OK, its been a while, so I should give you all an update on what we've been up to for the past few months. So things are progressing well, and we've spent time both writing the second book and revising the first book. The revisions take longer than we anticipated, but we've had good feedback from beta-readers we've recruited through Critters. Feedback was generally positive, with some good suggestions for tweaks. We've also identified a professional editor who has just received the manuscript, and will be working on ensuring its as good as it can be before we publish. In return we've also been critiquing a book for another author, which has also been a useful exercise for us. Still hoping to get the first draft of book 2 finished by the end of the year, so a busy couple of months to come!
AuthorAlex Avrio is an author of Fantasy Adventure stories. Archives
March 2019